About PHFA

We’re borrowing that same theme for this year’s annual report because it is, once again, “A brand new day” at PHFA. A new leadership team is bringing a fresh and dynamic perspective focused on updating the agency’s business processes and supporting software systems. The goals are to introduce smarter and more efficient approaches to daily work, ensuring staff can add value in their positions and applying PHFA resources in the most expedient manner possible. While much of this work is not directly visible to the public, our customers and business partners will notice the agency has a renewed emphasis on customer service similar to that found in private sector businesses.

“We have brought PHFA’s business functionality and workflow into the 21st century. Our nationally recognized housing programs are now better supported by a modern technology infrastructure.”
— PHFA Executive Director Robin Wiessmann

During the next few years, PHFA is reinventing itself — still with the same dedication to our housing mission, but now using modern technology to work smarter and more effectively. Our staff will be freed from mundane, repetitive tasks to, instead, have more time to apply their vast housing knowledge to make our programs work better. We will ensure our business systems are streamlined to deliver the best performance for our customers, and our business partners will welcome a PHFA that is more nimble and responsive to their ideas for housing solutions.

It is a brand new day at PHFA.

Key Facts About PHFA

Pennsylvania was the first state, more than 50 years ago, to propose the concept of a state-affiliated agency focused on expanding affordable housing options.

PHFA was created by the General Assembly in 1972 and became operational the following year.

PHFA is headquartered in Harrisburg with satellite offices in Norristown and Pittsburgh.

The agency is largely self-funded with income from the sale of securities, program fees and federal and state program administration reimbursements — only occasionally receiving public tax dollars.

PHFA has housing programs to support homeownership, affordable rental housing, housing counseling and consumer education, foreclosure prevention and more.

PHFA has 15 divisions that oversee its housing programs and administrative functions.

PHFA has a staff of 335 employees.

The agency’s administrative budget for the 2024 fiscal year was $52.4 million.

Evening buildings

Our Leadership


The agency’s 14 board members provide their time and expertise out of their desire to improve the availability of affordable housing throughout the commonwealth. They are appointed to serve by the governor or General Assembly, or they serve as part of the responsibility of their high-level state government position.


Our Mission

In order to make the Commonwealth a better place to live while fostering community and economic development, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency provides the capital for decent, safe, and affordable homes and apartments for older adults, persons of modest means, and those with special housing needs.

Our Programs

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency was created in 1972 when leaders in the state legislature and Governor Milton Shapp proposed that more should be done to encourage the construction and availability of affordable housing across the commonwealth. The agency initially was focused on helping to fund the development of more affordable housing for renters. Over the years, many more programs have been added to respond to changing consumer needs and an evolving housing landscape. Today, PHFA provides affordable home loans, an online apartment locator, foreclosure prevention assistance, and so much more.


No one can explain the importance of our housing programs better than the people we’ve helped. We frequently make the claim that affordable housing changes lives. The video testimonials below let you hear firsthand from our customers about how their lives were made better when PHFA helped them find quality, stable housing that fit their family’s budget.

Our Progress

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency was started 51 years ago with just a handful of employees. Today, the agency has 335 people on staff with a wide variety of expertise, working across 15 divisions. Of special note, PHFA is a state-affiliated agency funded largely from its own investments and administrative fees, receiving only occasional state funding for special initiatives as determined by the state legislature. Its unique structure as a joint public-private organization positions it well for working in financial markets and responding to changing consumer and developer needs in multifamily and single-family housing.


Jul-Sept 2023



Oct-Dec 2023



Jan-Mar 2024



Apr-Jun 2024


Our Performance

This 67-county, interactive, statewide map provides insights into PHFA housing investments statewide for fiscal year 2024. The supporting data and the new geospatial overlays demonstrate in a powerful way the great extent to which PHFA programs help people in the commonwealth with finding and securing affordable housing.

Housing Assistance by County

Click on a county to see the agency’s housing assistance there in four key areas: single-family home loans, funding for the construction of affordable rental housing, foreclosure prevention loans, and housing and community development assistance supporting local housing initiatives. Clicking on the icons below the map will provide more comprehensive data.


MF funding = PennHOMES, Health for Housing, National Housing Trust Fund and PA Housing Tax Credits

LIHTC = Low Income Housing Tax Credits

HEMAP = Homeowners’ Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program

PHARE = Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund; total disbursement includes $2,440,000 regional and $1,600,000 statewide funding

homeownership icon


multifamily housing icon

Multifamily Housing

Community Development icon


Foreclosure prevention



Housing Program Geospatial Impact

New this year, we have added data-driven map overlays that show the locational disbursement across Pennsylvania for the agency’s home loans, homeowner assistance loans, foreclosure prevention loans, and other funding. Additionally, all the map overlays can be selected at the same time to provide a comprehensive display of how extensively PHFA’s primary housing programs benefit renters and homeowners throughout the state.

Affordable Rental Housing Funding
Foreclosure Prevention Loans
Home loans
PA Homeowner ASsistance Fund

For PHARE, each dot represents an award per county, not an exact project location. Additionally, there was regional and statewide PHARE funding not shown here.

State of PA
Home Loans
PA Homeowner Assistance Fund
Foreclosure Prevention Loans
Affordable Rental Housing Funding

Our Financials

Tap or hover over the charts to see dollar amounts.


(in thousands)

Beginning of year:

End of year:

PHFA’s complete financial report for the
2024 fiscal year is conveniently available
on our website.

Homeownership Division, photographed in the lunchroom
Homeownership Division, photographed in the lunchroom


  • Affordable home loans
  • Closing cost and down payment assistance
  • Home repair and improvement loans, including energy efficiency upgrades
  • Affordable loans for public sewer connections or on-lot septic systems 
HEMAP Division, photographed in the Boardroom
HEMAP Division, photographed in the Boardroom

Foreclosure Prevention

  • Foreclosure prevention loans to help homeowners behind on their mortgage
  • Foreclosure counseling to help homeowners find resources and strategies to save their homes
  • HEMAP* is a nationally recognized foreclosure prevention program duplicated by other states
  • In addition, the HEMAP staff is overseeing administration of the $350 million PA Homeowner Assistance Fund for homeowners distressed during the pandemic

*HEMAP stand for Homeowners’ Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program.

Counseling Division, photographed in a conference room
Counseling Division, photographed in a conference room

Housing Counseling & Consumer Education*

  • Housing guidance for consumers by certified counselors
  • Homebuyer-readiness education
  • Foreclosure counseling and comprehensive foreclosure intervention
  • An online homebuyer education course
  • Personal money management seminars
  • Financial education for incarcerated veterans and reentrants to teach life skills and reduce recidivism

*All PHFA counseling and education programs are free, with costs underwritten by the agency.

Funding Local Housing Initiatives team
Office of Strategic Planning & Policy

Funding Local Housing Initiatives

  • The popular PHARE* program funds local housing initiatives in all 67 counties

*PHARE stands for the PA Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund.

customer serivice and public outreach
On the left: Our Loan Servicing Division, shown by our Harrisburg office entrance. On the right: Our Customer Solutions Center staff, photographed on the building’s veranda.

Customer Service & Public Outreach

  • Housing information and guidance provided by our trained call center staff in Harrisburg
  • Support for our PHFA loan customers from our Loan Servicing Division
  • 24/7 self-service for extensive housing information via the PHFA website
  • Lively public outreach via social media, including Facebook, X and LinkedIn
  • Informational videos via our YouTube channel     
  • Educational podcasts on housing topics
Multifamily Development Division, photographed in the building lobby
Multifamily Development Division, photographed in the building lobby

Affordable Rental Housing

  • Funding, including Low Income Housing Tax Credits, to support the construction and preservation of affordable rental housing
  • Free online apartment search tool at PaHousingSearch.com that includes Section 8 and accessible listings
  • Support for housing services that promote independent living
  • Financial assistance to secure affordable apartments for people with disabilities
Commonwealth Cornerstone Group
Commonwealth Cornerstone Group

Community Development

  • New Markets Tax Credits* support economic development in rural areas and low-income neighborhoods
  • Mixed-use development tax credits attract private funding for joint commercial/residential construction
  • Community Revitalization Fund sparks retail and commercial business growth and creates new affordable housing

*PHFA’s community development arm, Commonwealth Cornerstone Group, allocates these tax credits.


Housing Research

  • Funding for research on a variety of pressing housing topics 
  • PHFA funds an annual fellowship with a stipend to support housing research and the career development of young housing professionals
FHL Bank and PHFA

Addressing Homelessness

  • The Home4Good partnership with FHLBank Pittsburgh funds programs across Pennsylvania to reduce homelessness

Tram Le is a senior financial analyst in the agency’s Housing Management Division and has worked at PHFA for nearly nine years. In her position, she ensures that all affordable rental developments follow compliance requirements, ensuring they will remain financially stable. “I realize the importance of my job because it ensures the availability of affordable housing for Pennsylvania families.”

1st Quarter
Jul.–Sept. 2023

PHFA awards $4.3 million under the Housing Options Grant Program to make emergency repairs to multifamily buildings across Pennsylvania and preserve rental housing.

An updated online dashboard is launched for the public to track the status of the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund, helping homeowners with pandemic-related housing expenses.

PHFA issues two RFPs: one offering the sale of $4.5 million in state tax credits to raise capital for the construction of mixed-use developments (including housing); the other inviting proposals for $65 million in PHARE funding for local housing initiatives statewide.

The agency is providing regular monthly updates on its steady progress disbursing $350 million from the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund to homeowners struggling financially due to the pandemic.


Christian Gonzalez has been a member of PHFA’s Customer Solutions Center since 2020. On any given day, you’ll find him on the phone or on email helping customers with their PHFA home loans and guiding families in search of affordable housing. “As a native Spanish speaker, helping Hispanic families across Pennsylvania with their housing needs is very gratifying.”

2nd Quarter
Oct.–Dec. 2023

PHFA announces recipients of a second round of Housing Options Grant Program funding, in all totaling $98 million, that will fund the emergency repair, preservation, and new construction of 3,377 affordable rental units.

The agency recognizes the impactful work of its housing counseling partners located across the commonwealth during a special awards event in Harrisburg.

PHFA announces a new, pilot homeownership initiative with partners in Philadelphia County that combines a flexible home loan product with extensive consumer financial education to reduce purchasing barriers for homebuyers in underserved Philadelphia neighborhoods.

The agency announces its 2024 Housing Policy Fellowship recipients who will conduct important housing research during the next year benefiting the state’s affordable housing industry and, in the process, providing them with invaluable professional experience.

In partnership with FHLBank Pittsburgh, PHFA announces $3.7 million for programs across the commonwealth working to reduce homelessness – the seventh year of this initiative.


Justin Eden works as a tax credit officer in the Housing Management Division and has been with PHFA for 11 years. Justin’s primary responsibility is monitoring the tax credit compliance of more than 200 low-income housing tax credit properties. “PHFA allows me to make a positive difference and play a role in maintaining affordable housing, which I find fulfilling.”

3rd Quarter
JAN.–MAR. 2024

The $350 million Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund is reopened to again provide financial assistance to homeowners struggling as a result of pandemic-related financial hardships in order to help them save their homes.

In collaboration with the Housing Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, the agency releases its latest Pennsylvania Comprehensive Housing Study, providing the most recent data about the state’s housing stock and housing tends.

In planning for its May Housing Forum, the agency announces the confirmation of two high-profile keynote speakers: widely respected researcher Dr. Andre Perry and former NFL star running back LeSean McCoy, who now is an affordable housing developer.

PHFA regularly participates in groundbreakings and ribbon-cuttings for affordable housing developments across Pennsylvania that it is financially supporting with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and other funding.


Lauren Starlings started with PHFA as an intern during law school and was hired in the Legal Division in 2013. She serves as counsel working primarily with the agency’s multifamily development division, closing the agency’s financing for affordable rental projects. “I like that every day is a new challenge and a new opportunity to help people with more affordable housing.” 

4th Quarter
Apr.–Jun. 2024

The agency honors three affordable housing leaders and an impactful organization serving the homeless with its most prestigious Housing Pioneer Award during its biennial Housing Forum conference in Harrisburg.

PHFA announces seven projects to be awarded $4.5 million for the construction or rehabilitation of mixed-used (commercial and residential) developments under its Community Revitalization Fund Program, which funds high-impact neighborhood economic development projects around the state.

PHFA announces recipients of $64.8 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) fund, financially supporting 322 housing and community development initiatives in all 67 counties.

PHFA hosts the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Harrisburg for its public announcement of $10 million in grant funding to 23 HUD-approved housing counseling agencies, including more than $479,000 to PHFA.

The agency holds its annual Multifamily Affordable Housing Conference in State College, providing professional development opportunities for 525 attendees with a variety of expert keynote speakers and 47 breakout sessions on specialized topics.

As of June 30, the Homeownership Division was on track to purchase more than $1 billion dollars in home loans from PHFA-approved lenders for the calendar year, which, if successful, will be the most ever recorded by the agency and will help hundreds of Pennsylvania renters to become first-time homeowners.
